
Colour Research

 Here is my research on colours and their connotations

Each colour has negative and positive connotations. I took this inforgraphic from a website called Visme as it was clear and concise while also including most the common colours

Based on this inforgraphic, I picked out these main colours and my reasons:
1. Red, Orange, Yellow
  • As my content focused on chili, I anticipated using red hues to reflect the color of the ingredient. Red traditionally signifies energy and passion, so by introducing additional shades like orange and yellow, it added a playful touch but also conveyed confidence. These could better encourage readers to explore spice combinations. Yellow, known for its friendly appeal, aimed to make the magazine approachable and less daunting to readers 
2. Brown and Green
  • In considering Indonesia's rich natural heritage, I wanted colors that would reflect the country's flora. Using analogous hues such as green and brown with the previously mentioned red and oranges, reminiscent of trees, instantly reinforced this connection. By creating this natural ambiance, my magazine could convey a message of sustainability and eco-friendliness, appealing particularly to individuals who prioritize these values. 
3. Accent Purples
  • I was concerned that my color palette might lean too heavily towards warm tones, I decided to add touches of purple (a cool toned colour). These colors, being complementary to the reds and oranges, serve to create a harmonious balance and add depth to the overall aesthetic while also helping contrasts the red to better show it's vibrancy.

Reflection: Creating this blog post was both effortless and highly enlightening. It reinforced the crucial role of colors in establishing the desired atmosphere and mood within my magazine. It had me to reconsider my color choices to align with my intentions on sustainability and psychographics of my (primary and secondary) target audiences. I was particularly focused on ensuring that the chili stood out while also appearing approachable, especially to my secondary target audience—foreign audiences who may find unfamiliar dishes intimidating. The plan I created here was invaluable, serving as a reliable reference during my photoshoot, ensuring that my message was effectively communicated through the mise-en-scène.