

 Here is my team's script made by me and Aurel

Aurel had begun the script by giving her initial plans and vision by noting them down in a bullet point form. I then took her ideas to create it into a rough draft of the script (screenshot of version history below)
This was then improved and developed further by Aurel. She continued the script to add more dialogue and descriptions of the scenes. Additionally, she changed the format of the script to a more screenplay with the help of Studio Binder's script writing  tutorial as well as our teacher's help of formatting it. I returned to help on the script by commenting and changing a few lines after a thorough discussion with Aurel.

Self Reflection; Because I had no experience in writing in a screenplay format, I found myself a bit lost on how to help Aurel format the script. However, I did try to amend for my lack of participation by discussing further with Aurel to tweak the script to ensure a clear flow of ideas and transitions between the scenes for better cohesion. I think having this script done was extremely helpful in conveying the idea to our members as well as our actors. As our actors are simply our school friends and are frankly amateur, this script came in handy to communicating the tone and context of the scene.