

 Here is my team's storyboard made by Beatrice


Self Reflection; Because me and Aurel were tasked to do the script, Beatrice took on the task of creating the storyboard. Unfortunately because of our tight deadline, we gave in the script to Beatrice quite late/past the schedule which may have been straining on her to get the storyboard done in time. This taught me the importance of being on time as my tardiness for a single task can affect my groups' progress. To reflect on the actual contents of the storyboard, I quickly noticed how repetitive these scenes were as the interviews were always pictured from the front. To avoid this repetition, me and Aurel had tried to use different shots during filming instead, changing the distance, angle, zoom and point of view for each interview we had. Furthermore, I planned to add more establishing scenes to aid in guiding the viewer through the story.