
Location Scout and Risk Assessment

 Here is my risk assessment of my porential locations

Reflection: I really disliked this task when it was first assigned as I found it odd and boring, especially during the risk assessment as I didn't think I was that good in creating false scenarios. However, this assessment turned out to be very helpful as when I finished, I had (what felt like) a full proof plan for  my photoshoot, so most of my worries and concerns were put at ease with my preperations in place so I could do my photoshoot with little to zero problems.

Location #1 ; Sanur Beach, Bali

Images : 

Purpose of the shoot: 

Photoshoot spices for magazine double paged spread

Media Language:

  • Wide shot to capture vastness of beach
  • Close up shot of spice subject, to paint it as the main subject/topic
  • Green leaves/greenery and local grown flowers as accents, because they are a good representative of Bali's flora and add colour to the shot. (Green is a complimentary colour to the red of the chilli)


  • Blue from the sky and sea compliment the red of chilli very well
  • Beige from the sand or the sunset's orange is a good way into creating a warm tone
  • Large area means I can choose different spots
  • Location is very on theme, Bali is known for its seafood thats paired with spices.
  • Natural lighting


  • Crowded with people most of the times, disturbs the supposed clean shot
  • Unpredictable and uncontrollable factors like colour of sunset or weather may not fit into my vision/the shoot

Alternative Location + Evaluation:

  • Mertasari Beach : Very close/connected to Sanur beach. Requires paid access so is less likely to have people
  • Keramas Beach : Has unique qualities of black sand 
  • Balangan Beach : Extremely far when considering its distance to me but has a great cliff side view
  • Padang-Padang Beach : Issue with distance (very far), however is less known which could mean its less crowded

 - Risk Assessment -

Potential Hazards and their Evaluation : 

  • Unpredictable weather (storm, level of tide, etc)
    • Puts my safety at risk and forced to leave photoshoot
    • Could ruin my equipment including my camera
  • Animals in the area (birds, crabs, urchins, possibly monkeys etc)
    • Could harm me while taking pictures
    • Could disturb the shoot by stealing food, equipment, etc. However is unlikely since spice isn't something most animals eat.
  • Natural disasters like earthquakes 
    • Earthquales are very common in Indonesia and Bali
    • Could cause a tsunami that puts me at risk
  • Heat and UV rays
    • I will most likely be spending long periods of time outside in the sun with this location as I need the time to set up, take multiple pictures and possibly even wait for the sunset.
    • Personally, my skin is extremely sensitive to high exposures of UV rays so my skin will be more at risk of sunburns and rashes.
    • Recent increasing temperature puts me at risk of a heatstroke.

Control Measures:

  • Weather:
    • Check forecast and pick a date that has a high chance of being sunny throughout the day or a low chance of rain
  • Earthquake;
    • Follow earthquake drill taught by my school and train for tsunami
  • Animals
    • Be aware of surroundings, understand the animals threats and what to do.
    • Have coverings for the spices in case to stop animals from getting into them
  • Heat
    • Have preventative measures and be prepared with protection such as sunscreen and UV protective clothing such as an arm covering or long sleeved, breathable clothes.
    • Frequently hydrate
    • Look out for a place with shade to stay most the times when not doing the photoshoot.

Implementation Timeframe:

  • Research how to respond to a tsunami (January 16)
  • Research earthquake drill and practice (January 14)
  • Prepare preventative measures against heat and animals (1 day before shooting)

Location #2 ; Lapangan Puputan Renon  

Images : 

At the time of writing, I am sick and cannot go out so I have taken these photos from Google maps

Purpose of the shoot: 

Photoshoot spices for magazine cover 

Media Language:

  • Birdseye view shot, standard angle in food magazines that displays the ulekan clearly
  • Greens from surroundings is a complimentary colour of red to help accentuate the colours, also has positive connotations of freshness.
  • Wide, long shot to capture the entire ulekan tool.


  • Natural flora is a good representative of Bali's flourishing nature  
  • The park often has a flat terrain, making it easier for me to set up without worrying about the stability of my equipment
  • Natural light as the park is open but also has designated spots of shade elsewhere


  • Crowds are natural and the park often has people doing sports like soccer, running, etc so I will have limited space to work/have to share the space.
  • Recently, the park has been busy with hosting events and so spaces in the park are largely taken by stands of food/drinks/souveniers. 
  • Rules and regulations may be an obstacle as I may need to gain authorization or approval to have my photoshoot

Alternative Location: 

  • Kebun Raya, Bedugul - although very beautiful and is likely to have less crowds, it's extremely far and inconvenient 
  • Lapangan Letda Made Pica - another park thats close in terms of distance and is a soccer field thus ensuring the flat terrain, however its in an unfamiliar and desolate area that I don't feel to safe in.
  • Grandparents's backyard - although not a park, my grandparents have a wide backyard with all the pros and will be more private thus solving my issues with the cons.

 - Risk Assessment -

Potential Hazards and their Evaluation : 

  • Unpredictable weather (Rain, thunder, etc)
    • Puts my safety at risk and forces me to leave
    • Could damage my equipment including my camera
  • Natural disasters (Earthquake)
  • Wildlife (Animals, mostly insects, and plants)
    • Insect bites could harm me or plants could be poisonous
    • Could disturb photoshoot (e.g. insects getting on food)
  • Sun exposure (my own personal issue of sensitive skin)
    • Puts my health at risk
  • Allergies (Pollen, fur from pets, etc)
    • Puts my health at risk
    • Pauses photoshoot
  • Sickness and crowds (Current cold and hot weather is likely to make people more prone to catching sickness)
    • Puts mine and others' health at risk
  • Concerns regarding security
    • Theft of my equipment puts a pause in my production/photoshoot
    • Puts my safety at risk if I'm distracted and attacked during my photoshoot

Control Measures:

  • Weather:
    • Check forecast and pick a date that has a high chance of being sunny throughout the day or a low chance of rain
  • Earthquake;
    • Follow earthquake drill taught by my school
  • Wildlife
    • Be aware of surroundings, understand the animals threats and what to do.
    • Wear protective coverings
    • Place covers ontop of spices and food to prevent animals getting into them
    • Research common poisonous plants to avoid and stay away from unknown plants
  • Sun exposure
    • Prepare protection such as sunscreen and UV protective clothing such as an arm covering or long sleeved, breathable clothes.
    • Look out for a place with shade to stay most the times when not doing the photoshoot.
  • Allergies
    • Prepare medication to soothe allergies
    • Prevent allergies by using a mask
  • Sickness
    • Prevent catching or spreading diseases with a mask, sanitizing myself before and after the shoot and stay away from large crowds.
    • Take vitamins 
  • Security concerns
    • Invite a friend to watch over me and assist me

Implementation Timeframe:

  • Research earthquake drill and practice (January 14)
  • Prepare preventative measures against heat and animals (1 day before shooting)
  • Daily vitamin intake
  • Invite a family or friend as backup/protection (January 24/Day of the shoot)
  • Wear a mask if around crowd/if I feel under the weather