These are a few technical skills that I've learned though out my media studies class
Problem: Unable to embed Google Docs to
When I tried embedding my statement of intent in google documents to blogger, i found that the size of the image was small and couldn't see the full image despite it working the embedding tool worked fine for a presentation.
Here i copied the embed link and directly placed it into the HTML view of blogger
This is how it turned out like. I looked for tutorials online and found a Youtube video that showed the solution on fixing the size. The steps goes as follows;
1. Click "Share" > "Publish to web" then copied the embed link
2. Go to HTML view
3. Paste link
4. After the code "<iframe", add [ height="y" width="x" ]
5. Publish
I went with the number of 500 for the height and width 700 which fixed my issue.
Here's the link to the video: 'Embedding Google Docs into Blogger'
Reflection : I think problem was solved quite easily with the help of a tutorial. The tutorial was clear, easy and short. I was worried with the coding part of the HTML view but it proved to not be as difficult as I thought. I left the step-by-step solution to be able to look back on if I need this solution again in the future.