
Targetting Audiences (Demographics and Psychographics, Genre Theory)

Here are my notes from a lesson about how media companies target audiences. I worked as a part of a group but participated in the discussion 

Reflection : This blogpost was not necessary by my teacher however I think this research will help my enhance my overall comprehension on the importance of demographics and psychographics. The research I had done for the group discussion had expanded my knowledge on subtle details can effectively target audiences, like a magazine's choice of word or partnerships with brands to create an image, such as the Elle magazine with Chanel boosts Elle's brand image. Then my test assessment served as a great reminder to apply theories like uses of gratifications by Blumler & Katz when a consumer uses my product. These two researchers are insightful as I will be able to refine my magazine to ensure that it aligns with the guidelines outlined in my statement of intent to successfully target my audience.

Magazines Analysed;

Elle Magazine, February, 2022


Teen Magazine, August, 1999

My group's notes;

Here is another analysis I did for my class
I did another analysis of two magazine genre's- their target audience and how they are targetted. I did this as a necessary assessment by my teacher as a test. The question asked "How are audiences targeted by the media?" and I used a case study of Vogue fashion magazine and Forbes business magazine. Here was my answer:
Here is my revision on genre theory

Steve Neale created the genre theory and states that genre are instances of repetition and difference. A text must conform to generic conventions in order to belong to a category that is expected by audiences however must create differences annd subvert some to seem more original so its not boring for audiences.
How can genre be helpful?
1. Genre provides audiences with expectations
2. Production teams, like writers, directors, costume design team, are given a standard or template 
3. Distributors know their target audience and how to target them
4. Audiences enjoy the variety of genres
5. Genre would help in diversifying the financial risk of a production company