

1st Storyboard Draft

 This is my draft storyboard for my SB project

I drew out what I wanted my advert to basically look like. 
In the POV of the character, character will walk through a restaurant and sit down by her date with blurry vision. As the waiter comes, she hands the character a pair of glasses, clearing up her vision. Glasses will reveal that it was Taylor Swift as the waiter but also seeing more from her date, such as smoking (indicating he doesn't care much about his health long-term), unkempt beard (indicating he doesn't care much about his appearance or is neglectful towards it), wrinkled shirt (possibly indicating that he cant do laundry or can't plan well even if its for a date), and suddenly realising the guy is holding our hand. With this, the character stands up and excuses herself to the bathroom, only to jump from a window and escape. 

A tagline will lay above the screen at the end, but i have yet to decide it. Specsavers usual slogan is "Shouldve gone to Specsavers" so I want to keep the message but rephrase it into my own words. I have thought of 2 so-far; "Before its too late" and "Could've seen it clearly."

The music will be romantic with the use of pianos but also violins that have a connotation of danger. The theme will be warm but have striking red as an accent colour to hint at the danger or red flags he has.

I liked how I framed all the scenes and I think my drawing is fine but after reflecting with my teacher, I realised I needed to add more scenes during the that identifying the man's disgusting traits, such as closeup shots going closer from his cigerretes, unkempt beard, then junk between his teeth, or close ups to different parts of his face to emphasise the red flags. I will also have to cut out the holding hands scene to fit within the 30s time. Next time, I will also add more colour to highlight certain points and movement of the character as well as the camera to make sure its clear and conscise. I will also add more detail to my drawings like the man's beard.

The tagline I've decided on is the "Before it's too late" as I think its better to directly speak to the audience thus feels more personal and engaging. I also think the "Could've seen it clearly" message is too closer to Specsaver's "Should've gone to Specsavers" where it acted as a statement of regret, while i wanted my advert to be a warning instead.

For mise-en-scene, the blur is an essential aspect of this advert so i would want a bokeh blur similar to The Cook as i think its a reflects the feeling of dreaminess when you're on a date. I want a warm colour theme for the date, similar to About Time , to potray the scene to be romantic but i will keep the striking red accent colour to evoke a lingering sense of danger to the audience.

For sounds, diegetic sound will be a romantic score with piano but hints of violin, that are often used in horror to evoke anxiety in the audience, directly connecting them to the character.